Teresa Mineiro

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Oporto City Hostel

6713015585_1023407354392072_4242169873279542803_n42-800-60023-800-60044-800-600podd-800-600-a16908681_652266231646969_7836566859783602176_nescadas-800-600-aunnamed-32unnamed-3913062157_1023407601058714_1592401635163147262_nThis is Oporto City Hostel. All the interiors have been restored and I was able to create this project with a super low budget. I'm still working on it, which is super cool, as it's a never ending process, and as I can add new details in a monthly basis. =) After this photoshoot a lot has been updated, so stay tuned to see new stuff happening. Btw, have you noticed the super cheap IKEA Hyllis Shelf (9,99€) painted in gold, as well as the shelf brackets on the last photo?