Thank you India
I'm not gonna talk about how I found the true meaning of life, or about some spiritual retreat that changed my life forever. I didn't find "myself" in India. But the step I took when I decided to go there, changed the course of my life.
This post is slightly different from what I have been used to write around here, but I feel I have to write it because, this is my blog and, after all, it is about my journey through life. I'm not gonna talk about how I found the true meaning of life, or about some spiritual retreat that changed my life forever. I didn't find "myself" in India. But the step I took when I decided to go there, changed the course of my life.
O post em baixo é um bocadinho diferente daquilo a que estou habituada a escrever por aqui. Não obstante, sinto que tenho de escrever sobre isto porque, no fim de contas, este blog é sobre a viagem que é a minha vida. Não vou falar sobre como descobri o verdadeiro sentido da vida, nem sobre algum retiro espiritual. Não me "descobri" na Índia. No entanto, o passo que dei ao viajar até lá, mudou o rumo da minha vida.
Last Summer (2019) I went on a 2 month holiday that led me to India. Before my flight (and having already visited Greece, Turkey and Egypt), in Cairo, I sent all the clothes I had used until then, back home, to Portugal. All on the grounds of what was to happen. A few weeks before my trip, I made a research about sustainable fashion brands in India and got in touch with some of them, asking if they would be interested in sponsoring me. The idea was, as I had been doing on my last trips, to pose for shots Luís would take of me and subsequently post them on Instagram. That was, beyond shadow of a doubt, something that I really enjoyed doing so far. However, this time, I would wear clothes to promote brands that have as their focal point sustainability in fashion. Having managed to convince the brands, I arrived in Mumbai with an empty suitcase.
Este Verão fiz uma viagem de 2 meses que me levou até à Índia. Antes do meu voo (tendo já visitado a Grécia, Turquia, e Egipto), no Cairo, enviei todas as roupas que usara até à altura, de volta para Portugal. Tudo porque umas semanas antes, decidi procurar marcas de roupa sustentável que estivessem interessadas em patrocinar-me. A ideia era, como até ao momento tinha vindo a fazer nas minhas viagens, posar para as fotos que o Luís me tirava, e publicá-las no Instagram e aqui no meu site. Sem dúvida, algo que sempre me encantou e deu prazer. No entanto, desta vez, a roupa que usaria, seria com o intuito de promover marcas, tendo como ponto de destaque o conceito de moda sustentável. Posto isto, de mala vazia, cheguei a Mumbai.
Waiting for me, in my hotel room, were several packages that came from all over India, with magnificent clothes inside. I was astonished by how so many people/brands, who didn’t know me at all, were willing to participate in this project! Also, I was really psyched about doing this in a country that is, unfortunately, known for exploiting workers rights and that contributes greatly to environmental pollution through the garment related industries.
À minha espera, no hotel, estavam vários pacotes, provenientes de toda a Índia, com roupa magnífica, com tecidos orgânicos e/ou reciclados e artesanais, com bordados e técnicas muito interessantes. Fiquei espantada com a quantidade de pessoas que não me conhecia de lado nenhum e que alinharam neste projeto. Fiquei super motivada por poder fazer este trabalho num país infelizmente conhecido pela sua exploração das condições de trabalho e contributo para a poluição do meio ambiente através das indústrias relacionadas com a produção de vestuário.
I felt like I was standing up to the system, I got people staring at me everywhere I went, in the street, in temples, as if I were a rare bird. They would ask me where did my outfits come from. As we were on the hottest season, there were almost no foreign tourists at the time. Most of the tourists we encountered were Indian, so I was really glad to tell them that my beautiful clothes were actually designed and ethically produced in their own country.
Senti-me quase como se estivesse a desafiar o sistema, os olhares na rua, nos templos, invariavelmente caiam sobre mim, qual ave rara, e as pessoas, impressionadas, perguntavam-me de onde vinha aquela roupa que eu vestia. Na altura em que estávamos a viajar havia poucos turistas estrangeiros, por ser a época mais quente do ano, por isso, quem me abordava eram essencialmente pessoas Indianas. Com prazer, pude dizer inúmeras vezes, que era roupa criada no seu próprio país.
I spent 22 days in the North on India and the resulting photos weren’t at all disappointing. I was happy as can be with the job we’ve done (and with the great feedback I had from the brands that sponsored me). I was eager to repeat the experience, it was as if I got addicted to it, like I found something I didn’t really know I was looking for, for a long time, and now I would never let go of. Since I got back to Portugal, in June, until now, I’ve been photographed in other travels, wearing sustainable fashion and accessories from all over the world, I can only hope that the future will bring me more of it!
Percorri o norte da Índia em 22 dias e as fotos resultantes desta jornada não decepcionaram. Não podia ter ficado mais feliz pelo sucesso do trabalho (e pelo feedback entusiasmado dos meus patrocinadores pelo conteúdo que lhes enviei). Fiquei desejosa por repetir, era quase como se tivesse ficado viciada, como se tivesse encontrado algo que não sabia que procurava. Desde a minha chegada a Portugal, em Junho, até ao presente, já fotografei, em outras viagens, com produtos de inúmeras marcas de moda e acessórios sustentáveis, oriundos de várias partes do mundo, e tudo indica que o caminho se estende aberto à minha frente.
Having studied fashion design and worked as an interior designer, I’ve never dreamt of making it on social media. And I guess that the thing I was least expecting was the natural shift on the way we (Me and Luis) travel. Now, we travel not only for the pleasure of exploring new places and cultures but also with a purpose of photographing me, wearing cool, sustainable garments in those places, which sometimes feels like a job. I know that there are a lot of people that made travel photography their job and are tremendously successful by posting pics on their instagram accounts. Although I’m extremely lucky to be able to travel a lot and that subject is actually pretty interesting, per se, I felt that there was a lack of depth in my content. It looks like I have found it in sustainable fashion! It is now, actually, a full time job, as I’m always on a quest for brands I can work with and locations that are not overly explored, and also there's editind and all kinds of other things.
Tendo estudado design de moda e trabalhado como designer de interiores, nunca sonhei em trabalhar com redes sociais, e muito menos que as minhas viagens ganhassem um propósito que dá tanto prazer quanto trabalho. Sei que há outros a fotografar as suas viagens e têm muito êxito ao publicarem fotos das mesmas nas suas redes sociais. Apesar de ser uma sortuda por poder viajar tanto e esse tema ser, por si só, interessante, senti, sem dúvida, que faltava alguma profundidade ao meu conteúdo. Parece que a encontrei na moda sustentável! A pesquisa torna-se mais intensa e trabalhosa, sempre em busca de locais menos explorados e de marcas interessantes, é na realidade um trabalho a tempo inteiro.
I’m so excited to know what the future holds for me. What will be my next big destination, what other wonderful projects will I be able to embrace! Is this a new way of traveling? I only know that, for me, it definitely is!
A sede por conhecer mais deixa-me ansiosa por saber qual será o meu próximo destino e que outros projetos maravilhosos poderei abraçar! Será esta uma nova forma de viajar? Sei apenas que para mim, sim, é a minha.
If you want to know what brand I'm wearing, just click on the images and you'll be directed to the brand's website!
Se clicares nas imagens, serás redirecionado para o site da marca do outfit que tenho vestido.
Portugal - The Forgotten Countryside
One of my deepest passions is diving into the unknown, travel the world. I love to be photographed in the most unusual places and finding new paths, alternative routes, new culteres and people. Between my two month trip (that has taken me to middle east and southeast asia, with a hop on India in between), and a week in the South of Italy, I felt I should pay a bit of attention to my own country, Portugal. I've chosen Guarda region and the north of Castelo Branco, with their villages with almost milenar castles, that go back to the times of kings and bellicose borders, to spend three days.
Uma das minhas maiores paixões é mergulhar no desconhecido, viajar pelo mundo. Adoro tirar fotos em locais invulgares e de encontrar novos caminhos, rotas alternativas, novas culturas e pessoas. Entre uma viagem de dois meses (que me levou do médio oriente ao sudoeste asiático, com uma passagem pela índia), e uma semana no Sul de Itália, senti que devia dar ao meu país um bocadinho de atenção. Por isso escolhi a zona da Guarda e o norte de Castelo Branco, das suas aldeias e vilas com castelos quase milenares, que remontam a tempos de reis e fronteiras belicosas, para passar 3 dias.
What I found was unquestionably charming, well preserved castles, wonderful views, lovely villages, all in perfect harmony. The old facades are extremely well cared for. The attention to detail is incredible, even the house numbers and the signs with the street names are beautifully hand written on stone. These are the elements that create a whole, and they should definitely serve as a role model for other cities and villages throughout Portugal.
O que encontrei foi absolutamente encantador, castelos bem conservados, vistas maravilhosas, aldeias charmosas, com uma harmonia excepcional. As antigas fachadas são extremamente bem cuidadas. A preocupação estética chega mesmo a pequenos detalhes como os números das casas e a sinalética com os nomes das ruas, pintadas à mão sobre pedra. Pormenores, esses, que criam um todo e que deveriam servir de modelo para muitas outras cidades e localidades por Portugal fora. Pequenos reinos encantados.
During the whole trip, I only encountered a North American family, a small group of Spanish people and an Asian couple. Where were all the other tourists? I was always exploring these places alone. And may I point out that the list of places to visit is quite long.
Durante toda a viagem cruzei-me apenas com uma família Norte Americana, um pequeno grupo de Espanhóis e um casal Asiático. Onde estavam os outros turistas, Portugueses e estrangeiros? Visitando sozinha estes locais, senti-me uma verdadeira exploradora. E note-se que a lista de sítios para visitar é bem extensa.
From Sortelha, with its little stone houses, guarded by the village's strong walls, at the top of a hill, to Sabugal's castle, with steps that lead to dizzying heights, and Almeida, a village inside a star shaped fortress. The list goes on, and in each stop there's a new castle, a new village, a new treasure, deserted, just for me. There's Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Almendra, Castelo Melhor, Trancoso, with it's streets filled with blooming hydrangeas, Belmonte, birthplace of Pedro Álvares Cabral (the explorer that discovered Brasil) and Monsanto, 'the most Portuguese village in Portugal', a bit to the South. So, why were all these bright and perfectly polished gems empty during high season? Maybe it's because there's not a lot of offer when it comes to accommodation, we actually had to stay in a hotel in Spain, right next to the border.
De Sortelha, com as suas casinhas em pedra, protegidas por muralhas, no topo duma colina, ao castelo do Sabugal, com escadarias que levam a alturas vertiginosas, passando pela vila de Almeida, com a sua fortaleza de planta estrelada. A lista continua, e a cada paragem, um novo castelo, uma nova vila, um novo tesouro, deserto, só para mim. Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Almendra, Castelo Melhor, Trancoso, com as suas ruas inundadas por hortênsias, Belmonte, terra natal de Pedro Álvares Cabral e Monsanto, "A aldeia mais Portuguesa de Portugal", um pouco a Sul. Então, porque será que todas estas gemas polidas e intensamente reluzentes estavam vazias em época alta? Um dos motivos poderá ser a oferta de alojamento, por ser verdadeiramente escassa e bastante obsoleta, o que fez com que acabasse por pernoitar junto à fronteira, em Espanha.
I ask myself how long will it take for this beautiful region of Portugal to earn its due attention. Because not only are these places fascinating but they're also a great example of respect for our very old county's history. Though wandering around completely undisturbed was a fabulous experience, I hope that more people want to explore this part of Portugal that lies forgotten, as serene as a sleeping Volcano.
Pergunto-me quanto tempo faltará para que esta zona do país ganhe o seu devido reconhecimento. É que não só estes locais são fascinantes como também são um exemplo perfeito do respeito pela história do nosso antiquíssimo país. Apesar de ter sido uma oportunidade maravilhosa, poder deambular tranquilamente sem avistar vivalma, espero que mais gente queira e possa apreciar esta parte de Portugal, esquecida, tão serena quanto um vulcão que dorme.
The dresses I'm wearing are from the Indian brand Jovi.
Os vestidos que estou a usar são da marca Indiana Jovi.
We arrived in Miami, Florida, and it was a great beginning for our journey. Our plan was to drive from Florida to California in 17 days. It actually felt more like a year!
In Portugal we've always consumed a lot of culture coming from USA. So we have various preconceptions of what to expect from the country and its people. I have to say that it was sooo much better than what I expected! I've had the most amazing time in the US and I want to show you how good it was and how welcome I felt!We arrived in Miami, Florida, and it was a great beginning for our journey. Our plan was to drive from Florida to California in 17 days. It actually felt more like a year! Miami is bubbling with art and design and it's so much more than what I expected. Our hotel was near Ocean Drive, with all the beautiful art deco buildings, so we walked along the beach and amidst the beautiful neighbourhoods in South Beach. There we stayed at Freehand Hotel and we loved its vibe, though we had to take a look at The Miami Beach EDITION, which is super cool, so we went there in the morning and we wanted to see its amazing bowling room and ice skate ring. Though they were closed at that time of the day, we met the nicest cleaning ladies to whom we spoke in Spanish and they let us check it all for ourselves!
We went to Enriqueta's Sandwish Shop to have the best Cubano Sandwich in Miami and sashayed through the Wynwood District's street art scene, which is overflowing with cool graffitis and art galleries. Nearby you can find really curious shops that sell accessories, like huge necklaces full of rhinestones and clothes with vibrant prints and colours.
While coming back, as we hopped on the bus we didn't have any quarters to put on the machine to buy the tickets, and a very nice old man, who actually looked quite poor wearing ragged clothes and holding tight to his rucksack, gave us a spare ticket and some money. He actually looked like he was living on the streets and he did it just to be nice. We felt so blessed by his goodness! <3
After Miami we drove towards Tampa, making a pause in the "Shell Factory", near Fort Myers, which is a shop known for being the biggest shell shop in the world (or at least in the US 😛).
We stopped in Sarasota, where we visited Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, and we had a delicious Amish potato salad that we bought in a very cute market in the curious Amish community of Pinecraft. Going forward, I would definitely suggest the Sunshine Skyway Bridge (I-275) to cross to St. Petersburg. When crossing it, it is possible to see the cutest little islands dominated by vegetation. We took some time to stroll around Ybor City, which is a historical district that once contained plenty of cigar manufactures with workers coming mostly from Cuba, Spain and Italy.
The next day we rambled around the Suwannee River, and the swamps near Salem. With our rental SUV we drove across those quiet lands, feeling the blissful peace that lies in places unexplored. The swamps and its flora, so characteristic from this area make it all so whimsical and otherworldly, with the Spanish moss floating in the warm breeze.
Our quest for alligators and knowing that they're all around this part of the US made us cautious but also super alert, always trying to find them. This way we learnt to be attentive and on the lookout for all kinds of animals during this trip. This time we saw no alligator but a huge black snake crossed our path and it was fascinating to see it rise from the ground like it was dancing to a charmer's pungi music. Before Alabama we still got to visit St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, which is so calm and full of birds and has beautiful views over the Apalachee Bay.
To conclude this post I have to say that I'm sooooo in love with swamps and the exotic vegetation I found. Next state: Alabama. Stay tuned. <3
No Vampires in Transylvania
Usually my boyfriend's mom organizes an annual trip to get her three sons and their girlfriends/wives together. Oh, and there's also grandchildren that she can't live without! So this year we decided to go to Romania, more precisely to Transylvania.
Usually my boyfriend's mom organizes an annual trip to get her three sons and their girlfriends/wives together. Oh, and there's also grandchildren that she can't live without! So this year we decided to go to Romania, more precisely to Transylvania. It's getting really hard to choose a place where none of us had ever been!
Half of us arrived in Bucharest really early in the morning so we decided to meet in the center of the city for breakfast. We drove around to get to know the city and it is a real beauty: decadent and charming. After a very complete meal we went to Brașov, where we had a birthday lunch for Paulo, my brother-in-law, at La Ceaun. There we ate the most amazing romanian slowly cooked dishes and if you like polenta, you'll love theirs. It's a place for family and friends and the decor is really sweet!
We traveled the whole afternoon and bought some groceries for later. The place we stayed at is very secluded and so incredible. We booked it through Airbnb and it's called Cabana Sapte. It was so incredibly cozy and in touch with nature, the huge window in the living room and the sheepskin all around made it just perfect!
It was quiet rainy on the following day, so we drove around the hills and had lunch at this very quirky place, which we found by chance, called Albota Turistic Complex. It is actually a trout farm, so none of the things on the menu are very good besides the fried trout, which is indeed super tasty. The place was really peculiar, with places for foot treatment on the trout tanks and some other activities like fishing, which I figure mustn't be that hard, given the circumstances.
At the end of the day the boys prepared a lovely barbecue for the family and we got to enjoy our last evening in our Cabana.
On our third day we traveled around and got to visit the beautiful Mănăstirea Brâncoveanu, an orthodox monastery.
Later that day we drove towards one of Romania's most turistic spots - the Bran Castle. After reading Bram Stoker's Dracula aloud to Luis last Summer, we still had a very present image of the writer's descriptions in our minds. Sure we thought it would be bigger and way more creepy but it's still worth visiting. It has very cool interiors and is oddly cute. Back in the street we ate some street food: Kürtőskalács, a sweet, crispy and huge roll, perfect for sharing, and Lángos, a fried bread with cheese (which made me think of Pizza Hut, my favourite fast food restaurant).
The place where we stayed - The Cottage in the Carpathians - that night and the following was absolutely amazing! It is located in Râu Alb de Sus and consists of a main house and two other little ones, which were formerly used as stables, and endless gardens with animals. It is decorated with a lot of typical romanian embroideries and objects that were used many decades ago. The heating system is absolutely amazing, so old but still so efficient, the wood with which the houses were made is preserved as old as it gets, but so full of life! And, last but not least, the dogs that hang around saluting you with their amiable energy make you feel like you belong to this idyllic place.
On our last day we went for a walk on the woods, that started on a little village. We walked for about two hours, breathing in the nature that surrounded us. It's all so beautiful and the weather was perfect. We ended up having lunch at Potcoava Mountain Hideaway, where we were so kindly received. We came back, this time not trying to shorten our way, through one of the main roads (I think we saw 3 cars in our 2 or 3 hour walk). We had our last barbecue and enjoyed our last evening together.
I can't wait for our next trip together! And, as Joana, my sister-in-law said: "Thanks everyone for working so much (like driving and cooking and taking care of the kids), letting me and Teresa rest"! 😅<3
Extremadura Blossoms
Spain has always been my favourite destination for small holidays. For us it's easy to get there by car and because the language is different we start feeling we're really on holidays from the moment we cross the border. This time we decided to explore a province called Extremadura, which is located next to the border with Portugal and is on the north of Andalucia.
All the secondary roads are filled with amazing views. There's so much nature blooming all around at this time of year! The meadows are bursting with vibrant colours and there are animals wandering around, living their blissful lives. For me, as you may have noticed, it's not enough to enjoy the view from afar, I have to feel it and embrace it as close as I can, I have to explore. I like to get off the main road, jump a few fences, if needed, and absorve all the textures and the colours, all the feelings.
We visited Merida, which is a lovely city with a lot of history. It has so many roman buildings. My favourite is the roman theatre, with all the columns, the statues and that warm terracota tone that is ever so ancient and mystical. There's also an aqueduct, which is very impressive too. The city itself is lovely and there are so many little shops with all the typical Spanish products. All villages in Spain (just like in Portugal) have their own fort or castle, so there's always a fairytale vibe all around.
Every time I've been in Spain, since I was a little baby (and my family went to Spain at least once a year) I've seen these billboards but never had I ever taken a photograph next to them! These bulls are deeply routed in the Spanish culture since the 1950's. The brand Osborne created them to advertise their 'Brandy de Jerez'. In 1994 the EU decided upon the removal of all alcoholic beverage advertisement on roadsides but the 14m tall bulls already belonged to Spain's landscape and to the aesthetic and culture of the country and hence they were turned into public domain.
At the end of this day we headed towards Trujillo. I'm not able to express how much fulfilling it is to be in Spain during springtime. The weather is so warm and the days are huge in this part of the country because they have Spain's timezone but they are in the western side of the country, so the sun sets super late (like at 9:30pm).
Next stop: Trujillo. <3
January in Israel
My first days in Israel: exploring the north, Nazareth and Jerusalem.
Starting the new year traveling came as a surprise. I've always traveled with Luis in Winter when I was in college because we had time then, but we got super bored of traveling to countries colder than Portugal. Traveling in Winter can be a struggle for me because first of all I hate cold weather and second because it never seems to cooperate with our plans. Anyhow, we kick-started the year with the decision to spend my birthday in Israel, as the weather is only mildly cold in January.
We arrived in Tel Aviv late at night and rented a car, so the next day we headed up North. We downloaded Israel map from google maps and our drive went smoothly, this system helped us driving in other countries many times before. Anyway, most of the freeway signs are written in hebrew, arabic and english. We stopped at Tel Megiddo, a village that goes back as far as 7000BC!
We decided to go East, skipping Haifa, which is on the coast, North of Tel Aviv, because it was going to rain all day over there. We opted to go to Nazareth where it rained a little as well, but we were able to hide from it under the market's roofs. I guess that the reason why many of the stands were closed is because it's low season. But I can assure you that it's still wonderful to walk around those maze like markets, in the Old City. We visited Basilica of the Annunciation, where they have a lot of mosaic and tile panels that were gifts from countries all over the world! It's really cool to see how Virgin Mary is interpreted in so many different cultures.
After Nazareth we headed to the Sea of Galilee. (Everything sounds so biblical!) When we were getting out of Nazareth, which is on a hill we saw a mind blowing rainbow and though there were clouds, the whole place was flooded with a beautiful golden light. It was miles away from a normal cloudy grey sky.
Because Israel is a tiny country, we were able to arrive in Jerusalem by 9pm. We didn't go to a restaurant because we went to a supermarket and bought a lot of cheap and amazing Israeli food (such as hummus and pita bread). Our hotel stood a short walk away from the Old City of Jerusalem and the next day we made our entrance through Jaffa Gate.
On many of the alleyways you'll be able to find amazing food and pomegranate juice. By accident we came upon Zalatimo, which has a rather controversial reputation. As we were already there, we decided to try the famous mutabak. We ordered 2 coffees and a mutabak with nuts. I have to say that the pastry was incredibly delicious but paying about 11€ for the three things sounds like a ripoff. Nevertheless, I would eat it again!
Jerusalem is divided in 4 quarters: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Armenian. And you can really see the difference when transitioning from one to the other. As I'm not muslim I couldn't enter the walls that lead to the Dome of the Rock (on the photo above), which was really disappointing as I would have loved to see that tile work closer.
As a city that welcomes crowds of religious tourists and curious from all over the world, I was expecting to be crushed by excursion groups but that was not the case. We just walked around, sometimes entering some dark little passages that end up in patios. We never felt in danger and you can see a lot of police and military around.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is a very peculiar place. It is said that Jesus was crucified there, as well as buried. It has a lot of chapels and the decor is super eccentric. There you can find people manifesting their faith in a lot of unusual ways. There was a lady that was rubbing each day of a daily appointment book on the Stone of Anointing (the place where Jesus's body was prepared to be buried). There were also people pouring oils and spreading their new souvenirs all over, in order to bless them (fake Michael Kors bags included!).
After the Holy Sepulchre Church we visited the Western Wall. For us it was super odd, as there are not many jews in Portugal, and though I've lived in Antwerp for a while, which is a city with loads of them, it was truly enriching to see the way they worship god and their traditions.I guess that one day in Jerusalem is maybe too short to visit everything, but we actually ended our visit at around 4pm, with the beautiful sight of the Mount of Olives and still had time to get to the Mahane Yehuda Market. There we bought what would be our dinner later on: fresh bread, olives, some snacks and the most amazing Labneh with olive oil and Za'atar.
As we only had 5 days to explore Israel and in between we also wanted to visit Petra, in Jordan, we had to plan our route in advance. One thing we had to consider was the weekend, which is actually on Fridays and Saturdays. During these days nothing happens and most places are closed or open only for a couple of hours.<3
Timeless Watches
Portugal is a small country and some people are still very judgmental. I think that mentalities have been changing slowly in the past few years since the tourism boom. But there are still a lot of people that question the quality of what is designed here, in this tiny piece of land facing the Atlantic Ocean. Since I was born I've always heard that foreign things were so much better than what we were doing in music, fashion, architecture, food, ...When I accepted to design a collection of classical/minimalistic watches here, in my own city, I was so glad to feel part of the change! To prove that we can do it as well! I have to thank my bosses for giving me the freedom and for being so cool about everything from the first moment until the last! Now I feel I've done my job and this project can move on without me. I'll always remember it because I've learned so much, not only about the process of designing accessories as complex as watches but also because I was able to do it in a super cool and fresh environment!Photos credits are mine for Timeless Watches and bloggers Joana Vaz and Double Trouble Blog.
Jibóia Capsule Collection
It was the Summer of 2013. I just had got back from Antwerp and I was doing my thesis for my Master's Degree when me and my friend Andreia had the idea to make a capsule collection. This is the result of a crazy Summer. I'm still very proud of what we accomplished with spare resources and so little time. This journey ended when I was hired by Sahoco, in November of the same year.
Photos by @tiago_cardoso
Fashion Five
Fashion five is a show that happens every year. It's aim is to show the work of 5 of the best students' works from 5 universities in Portugal. This year it happened in Guimarães, Europe's Culture Capital.
Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most
This is one of my projects from my MA in fashion, from 2013. Inspirational images are always my starting point, and I love making moodboards.
Oh, cruel fate
This is my last collection from my graduate's degree. It's my best work yet and I loved the process. I have to thank my teacher and my friends for pushing me, hope you like it.